Individual Mentoring Sessions

Individual Mentoring Sessions

Individual Mentoring Session

Do you feel you need a mental boost and some support in what you are striving to do as a yoga teacher and how this fits in with your 'other' life?

We start our yogic journeys full of anticipation and wide eyed at the rapid benefits we feel at the start and the positive changes that start to happen to our bodies and minds. Our interest in how all this happens becomes one of a mission to want to share this with others and we enrol on a teacher training and start to teach.

Everything begins to change. The joy we felt as yoga practitioners now becomes one of how to make our teaching sustainable and how to fit this into our 'other' life. We might even give up a job or sacrifice time away from out families in order to teach and help others.

Carving out a path as a yoga teacher can feel isolating without a team around you or a strong support network. Even long time teachers can hit a wall and feel as if their work has plateaued and now where should they be going and what should they be doing.

If you feel you would like some help in figuring out 'What next?' and 'Am I the only one?'.....

Please book a 1:1 Mentoring Session.

I will schedule this with you and respond to your request within a day or two and get you booked in.





