
Which way do you enjoy stretching? I am sharing an article below which I recently came across on stretching. Whilst I believe that writers and exercise  practitioners in other fields have their own  methods of stretching, unless they have their own longer term experience of yin yoga, they  would  not  fully understand nor  feel the…


EVERYONE EVERYONE EVERYONE deserves time out and a rest for themselves. After the year we have had following covid there has seemed a very dim light glowing out there somewhere beckoning us all along for hope. Hope for the future, hope for our sanity, hope for  the world. Will we  all get through this? This…

Is Yin Yoga a cooling practice?

Is Yin Yoga a cooling practice? Yes it is! The experience however is always unique to the practitioner and is always relative to what pose you have chosen, how you have come into the pose and how you are navigating the moment to moment experience. When I was growing up  in Singapore,  my Chinese aunty would always offer me a ‘cooling’   drink when we…

A teacher’s voice

When we go to watch a movie or watch a documentary, we come away if it is over 2 hours long and say ‘that was a long movie’. Somehow in the world of education, courses have had to be condensed into intensives over a period of several days and in particular with yoga trainings, the…


We implemented a credit card facility and absorb these fees now so that students organise their own finance and don’t currently have a way to split credit card payments and track them as purchases for all online courses are final. The only way to split a fee is to request to do this manually by…

The winds of Autumn

And then there is also the wind from our guts! Anyone who has been for a general anaesthetic also knows that they have a lot of excess air trapped in their systems and it is mighty uncomfortable. My first real experience of this was when I went into premature labour as a result of a…

Let’s talk about props in Yin Yoga

Let’s talk about props in Yin Yoga. Reaching for a soft smooshy blanket, bolster or eye pillow doesn’t mean we are suddenly ’doing’ restorative yoga. We might be protecting a fragile joint or we might be shifting the locus of sensation to the intended target area, thereby intensifying the stress in the area the pose…

Re-imagining teaching yoga

How did we go from this, to an unimaginary world online? No one has ever been a number to me. I remember names and faces etched in my memory and the ongoing continuity of feedback from the follow up assignments, communication on line in our groups, hearing of each experience in reflection based writing is…

Brain ageing

What do you find helps you to keep active? Gardening, painting, yoga, walking, dancing….. what else? It doesn’t need to be complicated. I think it’s more important that we enjoy the satisfaction after that we have ‘done something’. Increasing evidence suggests that exercise can protect your brain as you age, from helping with midlife forgetfulness…