yin yoga + mindfulness: the art of a skilled yin practice – September 15th, Triyoga Camden

yin yoga + mindfulness: the art of a skilled yin practice
Triyoga Camden – Book here
Saturday September 15th, 2018 10:30am – 4:30pm

Join Sarah Lo for a day of Yin Yoga and Body Mindfulness at Triyoga, Camden learning how to integrate deeper skills of mindfulness to both your practice and teaching. This will be a day of learning skilled mindfulness meditation practices that can be integrated into and mingled with a mixed sequence of Yin Yoga for the yin yang organ pairs. Experiential practice is a way for our minds and bodies to make deeper insights into ourselves, particularly when we learn how to apply mindfulness skills to our Yin practice. Yin Yoga is a known and effective style of yoga that prepares you for meditation, especially when taught in the Buddhist tradition based on kindness and compassion. This can improve our relationship with ourselves and our bodies in a transformative and sustainable way.

The paradox of mindfulness is that we need to establish and know where we are now before we can move to where we would rather be. Learning how to connect with the present moment and how to track sensations is a way to journey through the body and discover and appreciate it in a way that you have possibly not done before. It isn’t possible to practice Mindfulness until you are truly connected to your body. The more we are in our heads and minds, the more we are in fact disconnected from our bodies. Learning how to integrate mindfulness is a skill that ultimately helps us to build a stable foundation to come home to and an inner strength that becomes our anchor whenever we need it.

Learning Objectives:
• Learn how to integrate body mindfulness skills in to your Yin practice in order to build resiliency and equanimity with ourselves
• Learn to build awareness of yourselves and your unique evolving bodies in order to begin to take pride in them
• Understand our bodies our constantly changing through connecting with the subtle rivers of ‘chi’ flowing within us
• Understanding this, we can practice body mindfulness in Yin postures whilst gently pressuring organs and stimulating the highways or ‘meridians’ of chi that run through the fascial network of the body

* * * If booking for more than one person, please do so by calling 020 7483 3344. Do not book via website or the second person will not appear on the roster. * * *